Graphic Artist
Used Photoshop CS and CS2, as well as Illustrator CS and CS2, on Windows XP, to design patches, lapel pins, wristbands and trading pins for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, sports teams, military units, etc. (Team Jedi Marketing)
Web Design
Used Photoshop 5.5, QuarkXPress 4.0, and Macromedia DreamWeaver on Mac, Windows 95 and Windows NT, to create a website for EchoBridge; used HTML to create this website, as well as a website for a Montessori school (Ocala Montessori).
Desktop Publishing
Created a booklet using MS Publisher 2002 (Skyline); Used Photoshop 4.0.1 and Word 6 on Windows 95 to create a publication for Office Depot. (BFW Advertising)
Creative Writing
Wrote scripts for a daily Internet Radio broadcast, as well as a weekly Creative Team Internet Broadcast; created ad lines and ad titles for customers for website publication (PowerSide Broadcast Network)
Internet Radio Broadcasting
Hosted a daily NetRadio Broadcast; did one of the voices for a weekly Creative Group Internet Radio Broadcast. (PowerSide Broadcast Network)
Customer Support, Technical Support
Provided customer support, technical support, and trouble-shooting advice for all versions of Canvas, Coach Pro, Big Thesaurus and Ultra Paint on all system versions of Macintosh, Windows 95, Windows NT, and Windows 3.1 for both networked and standalone computers. (Deneba Software)
Jeff Jenkins